martes, 13 de enero de 2015

How to dance cha cha cha ?

Circuit training 4º ESo.3ºESO

You must design a circuit training to improve your strength
You can use elastic band, your bodyweight and   a mat.
You should to  focus in the main musculars  groups
Take a picture  or two of each exercise
 In each exercise should be  explain graphically  the  main muscles that you are working with
The circuit training should have between 7-10 exercises.
Is very importat the presentation
One or two people
Deadline February 13 th

domingo, 4 de enero de 2015

Torneo de pádel

Como colofón del primer trimestre y de la unidad de pala y raqueta   Hemos organizado un concurrido y ameno torneo de Padel .

 Y para terminar una gran final ...

martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

floorball basic rules flipped classroom

Floorball is an indoor game, similar to ice hockey, but it is non violent, so we can play safely at  highschool. It is a fast team sport with no physical contact . Floorball is also called floor hockey, innebandy, (in Sweden) salibandy (in Finland) and unihockey (in Switzerland).There are many professional leagues, such as Finland´s Salibandyliiga and Sweden´s Svenska Superliga.

Do you want to see what a floorball game is like? Here you have a video of the 2008 World Championship finals:

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

Mas Allá del Peso

Athletics. 1º 2º ESO

Read the  article below (is a link)  and answer the questions (quiz)  at the end of the article

When you have answered the questios correctly, you can print the webpage or copy  the questions and the correct answer and give it to me.

Do you know how to play padel?

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

Hi guys,
for the next week you need download a  QR code for your mobile phone .
Please don't forget.

martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

Cáculo V02 max

What is VO2 max?

VO2 max, or maximal oxygen uptake, is one factor that can determine an athlete's capacity to perform sustained exercise and is linked to aerobic endurance. VO2 max refers to the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can utilize during intense or maximal exercise. It is measured as "milliliters of oxygen used in one minute per kilogram of body weight."
This measurement is generally considered the best indicator of an athlete's cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance. Theoretically, the more oxygen you can use during high level exercise, the more ATP (energy) you can produce. This is often the case with elite endurance athletes who typically have very high VO2 max values.
Cácula tu VO2 Máx aplicando a la siguiente ecuación tu valor obtenido en el test de resistencia.

VO2 max =(31.025) + (3.238 * X) – (3.248 * A) + (0.1536 * A * X)

X = velocidad a la que se paró el sujeto.
A= edad.

X = velocidad a la que se paró el sujeto. =8+0,5 (último periodo completado)
A= edad.
Una vez calculado tu VO2 Max responde a las siguientes cuestiones teniendo en cuenta que el umbral de riesgo cardiovascular para un adolescente varón es de 42 ml/kg/min y para las adolescentes de 35 ml/kg/min y si las chicas son menores de 14 de 38 ml/kg/min

jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014

Warm up. 3º y 4º ESO

You must create  a  general   warm  up and record it using your mobile.
After that you must do a presentation using some programme that you choose (Power point, movie maker,....)

October. 10th

First it all you must read the  notes.


 You can see  a example did it in a high school

Here you have some videos to help you